Gulliver is a Yahoo. The Yahoos I believe are humans; humans who are uncivilized, and under developed. I would not have come to that assumption without the help of Swift’s description of the Yahoos, and how the Houyhnhnms compared Gulliver with a Yahoo to find out they were similar in many ways. When Gulliver returns to England he classifies all humans to be Yahoos, and even though he might want to think he is not a Yahoo like his fellow citizens, he is.
I don't think that Gulliver is a Yahoo to begin with. From his first two journeys we can see that he seems to be normal and proud of his country and how civilized they are. However, he also points how the flaws and mistakes of humanity which makes him dissatisfied with the way human kind behaves. By becoming exposed to the Houyhnhnms, who to Gulliver, seems like the perfect cultural group, he then compares the Houyhnhnms's behavior to human kind's behavior and realized that human kind is vulgar and ugly, like the Yahoos. Gulliver only realize the flaws of human kind and not its different features from the Houyhnhnms which makes human kind complex but unique. By becoming exposed to perfection, Gulliver slowly began to realize the imperfections of human kind and associated himself as a Yahoo when in fact he is not one to begin with.
Gulliver is indeed a Yahoo, but not from the start of the story. Throughout his journey, talking to the Lillliputians and the Brobdingnag people he expressed to full extents the love of his country. He only started to change slightly when the King of Brobdingnag started to down play what he was saying, saying they were little minded people. Gulliver doesn't change fully until he lands in Houyhnhnm Land where the horses fully characerize him as a Yahoo, comparing him to a more gentle one, but one none the less. Towards the end you the story you can really see in detail how he had changed. He didn't want to be around his own family, and got horses to be around. He became an ugly and unkind person, just as they described the Yahoos.
I agree with Hahn because like she stated he wasn't like that from the beginning but by being exposed to the Houyhnhnms he realized the flaw of his people. Also he realized how not far off he was the same as the people of his land. Who at first he was so proud to be a part of.
I do believe that Gulliver is a Yahoo. He does not start out as one in the beginning, but as time progressed and he traveled more, he became a Yahoo when his personality and way of thinking changed, especially after he was insulted in Brobdingnag. When he is in Houyhnhnm, the Yahoos are described as being very uncivilized, but having human-like features. While Gulliver does not exactly look like the Yahoos he encounters, his personality towards not only his country but also his own family definately does make him a Yahoo.
I agree with PrecVRob in her blog entry. When Gulliver talked to the people of Brobdingnag and the Lilliputians, he spoke to them about the country that he came from and spoke about it with a sense of pride. He spoke about things such as the laws and the government as if he was really proud to be a part of a country that is run that way. His entire attitude does change after he is severely insulted by the King of Brobdingnag. In the end, Gulliver does turn into an unkind person, just as PrecVRob stated.
Gulliver is not a yahoo. I think Gulliver is a good mix of rational thinking and emotional thinking. Now if you look at people of today that's a different story.
I do not agree with KDPeters. I think that the Houyhnhnm are one side of humans and the Yahoos are the other side. Like we talked about in class, the Houyhnhnm are rational and the Yahoos are emotional. I think humans are in between being both rational, but emotional too.
Gulliver is NOT a Yahoo, but he thinks he is. That's why he goes to the other extreme to be more like the Houyhnhnms and give up emotion (although he can't even do that properly because of his outbursts). Gulliver has the capacity to be a better person but because he goes to the extreme, he turns into a raving lunatic. I believe Swift's point is that we have the capacity to become better people, or we have the capacity to become Yahoos - it's up to us.
I agree with Precious and Mireya in that Gulliver didn't start out "Yahoo-like", but became more and more like one as he realized how uncivilized the people of England really are. Once he saw how others lived and how they thought of his homeland, he realized that they could be so much better if they were more rational, and less emotional.
I really can't make up my mind on whether or not he is a Yahoo. He may not be vile and a savage compared to the Yahoos in the country of the Houyhnms. Yet in England he may be called a Yahoo because he does act vile and distasteful compared to the Englishmen. He is obsessed with material objects like the horses, like the Yahoos were with "pretty stones." He is insane by the end of the story, therefore I guess he could be called a Yahoo.
I agree with PrecVRob. Gulliver’s strong opinion about his homeland gets weaker and weaker with every journey from land to land. The Lilliputians do things similar to the way the English do things. By the time Gulliver gets to the Houyhnhnms, he is seeing the worst of mankind traits.
I think that in the beginning, Gulliver was a Yahoo but as the journey progresses, he becomes less of a Yahoo and more of a Houyhnhnm. Yahoo, from what I understand, is a person that has no manners, no respect, or moral. In the beginning when Gulliver started his journey, he was all of these because he was being selfish and ungrateful. As he went to the different countries, he learned about their customs and realized that the way people were living in England was not the best or right. When he went to the land of Houyhnhnms, his perspective of England totally changed and he started living more like the horses. He began to hate the “normal” people (yahoo).
I agree with Lisa. Like we talked about in class, yahoos are the ones that base their actions and thinking on how they feel and their emotions. The Houyhnhms represent the way of life of the rational thinking people. Gulliver IS a pretty well mixture of both emotional and rational thinking but I have to say that to me, he seems more emotional base. In the end, based on his emotions from his journeys, he dislikes the people of England.
I believe that towards the end of Gulliver's Travels, Part 4, Gulliver has become an Yahoo. Gulliver was not a yahoo at the beginning of the story but because of how he changes throughout the story, he starts to obtain some of the Yahoo's characteristics but does not look like them. He starts to talk badly about his country and wants to avoid his family when he returns. He is negative towards mankind and looks more to animals rather than humans.
Yes, Gulliver is a Yahoo, but not at first. As Gulliver travels to different places he froms into a Yahoo. In Lillliput he talked about his land in a positive manor, but when he arrived in Brobdingnag his culture was put down by the king of Brobdingnag and Gulliver started to agree with the king and his views. When Gulliver arrived in the Houyhnhnm land he changed, he despised where he was from and everyone that lived there, including his family. Gulliver was mean and thought humans were like disease. he only wanted to be around horses he even spoke to them. Gulliver may not have had the physical characteristics, but he had a mentality like the Yahoos. He became a Yahoo in the end.
A Yahoo is a term used to describe the vicious, human-like creatures in the land of the Houyhnhnms. In this land, Gulliver is constantly referred to as a Yahoo by the horse-like inhabitants, mostly due to the close resemblance he shares with the Yahoos. It is stated by Gulliver's master that the present Yahoos originated from humans that came from Gulliver's land in much the same way that Gulliver landed on their island. Therefore, Gulliver's master was insinuating that the Yahoos are, in fact, descendants from the land whence Gulliver arrived from. Furthermore, Gulliver's master describes Gulliver as a Yahoo with reason. Thus, Gulliver's master further assumes that the Yahoos are simply humans without reason, (perhaps that they at one time possessed). When first arriving on the island, Gulliver was very much unlike a Yahoo in that he possessed a great amount of reason to differentiate himself from the Yahoos. However, as he became exposed to the flaws of his species, the flaws of his country, the flaws of himself, he began to lose his reason. As his reason began to diminish, so too did his defining trait that set him apart from the Yahoos. Upon leaving the land of the Houyhnhnms, Gulliver seems to have lost all of his reason, thus making him but another Yahoo.
I agree with Mireya, Gulliver gradually turned into a yahoo. The opinion from the king of Brobdingnag really changed the way Gulliver thought of his country and its people. He became a Yahoo the more he traveled he changed because of the places he traveled to.
Gulliver is a Yahoo. You know the descriptions they made about the Yahoos and such. Gulliver acted like a Yahoo and the horses even said he was like the God of Yahoos or something like that. Well anyway he was as big as a yahoo and he was respectecd as a yahoo. Even though Gulliver himself thought he was a horse thing.
Kd peters has it right on with the Yahoos being human or "uncivilized" humans. Even though the Yahoos didn't eat the same stuff as Gulliver I truly believe that the Yahoos were human like.
Upon arriving on the land of the Houyhnhnms, we are met with a rather crude race. The Yahoos, as they are called by the inhabitants of Houyhnhnm, are vicious, savage and utterly disgusting. Because of the similar stature, Gulliver is immediately labeled as a Yahoo as the inhabitants have nothing else to reference him to. Even though Gulliver is labeled as a Yahoo, there is something that is different (even if it is for only a short time). What is astonishing to the inhabitants is the amount of reason possessed by Gulliver. While Gulliver does possess this distinguishing trait, I argue that they are one in the same. I say this simply because of his refusal to use reason. Let’s face it; Gulliver doesn’t know how to reason, he is constantly getting into trouble. This is further affirmed when he returns home. He’s completely clueless and void of reason.
Yes, Gulliver is a yahoo. I think that Gulliver got a good look in the mirror when he encountered the yahoos. As much as he wouldn't want to admit, Gulliver is very much like the yahoos. Yahoos/humans are selfish and unreasonable. We move at a very fast pace, sometimes without thinking. Everyone would like to believe they are better than they really are. That is just what Gulliver is experiencing.
I agree with Wiley ( haha you are so funny Wiley). Gulliver wants to be like the horses but he isn't. I think he knows this and that is why he goes crazy.
I think Gulliver sees himself as a Yahoo. After spending time in the "perfect" society, he realizes just how messed up humankind is, and him being a part of that race he is therefore doomed to be a yahoo. He tries to escape the world by buying a few horses to 'talk' to but all he does is look crazy. However, I believe he could be better than a Yahoo because he has seen the problems from the outside, and therefore could make a conscious decision to live better and raise his kids to be better. But he doesn't. He resigns himself to his fate of being a Yahoo.
Gulliver is not a yahoo, but he has the mindset that he is indeed one. By definition of our, a yahoo is "any of a race of brutish, degraded creatures subject to the Houyhnhnms and having the form and all the vices of man" or "a person who is variously thought of as being coarse, uneducated, unrefined, anti-intellectual, crudely materialistic, etc". Gulliver is not uneducated, materialistic, or unrefined but when he is compared to the different cultures he meets his self description of himself goes down. To the other cultures, yes, Gulliver is a yahoo but compared to Gulliver's ordinary culture, he is one of the same and definitely not a yahoo.
I agree with kyle. He at the end Gulliver did become a crazy person who can't reason is a yahoo. He tried to change once he had a viewpoint of the Yahoo's flaw to change but instead he just became more insane making him have more flaws just like the yahoos.
I disagree with KDPeters. In the beginning I find that Gulliver has a very adventurous and restless feelings since he always strive to go on more adventures. He is very curious and did not became a Yahoo just yet. He also became argumentative and pointed out the positive aspects of human kind when the rulers of Lilliput and Brobdingnag criticize and does not believe him when he said speak of his culture and his country to them. The presence of the Yahoos also changed the tone of the story dramatically in which it became more serious and deep, which I did not find in the first two parts that we read.
I agree with Stephanie Simpson and her definitions of a Yahoo. From the definitions she has presented, it states that a Yahoo possess "all the vices of man." This, of course, is not characteristic of Gulliver. when he first arrives at the land of the Houyhnhnms. As stated by the Houyhnhnms, Gulliver is a Yahoo with reason, which lies in contrast with Stephanie's second definition of a Yahoo, which states that Yahoos are "uneducated, unrefined, and anti-intellectual." However, as he is exposed more the Houyhnhnms "perfect" and peaceful culture, Gulliver begins to disassociate himself from his own culture because he has realized just how similar his race and the Yahoos really are. As a result of the disassociation, Gulliver has become unreasonable, and thus a Yahoo in the eyes of his culture.
I’ll have to agree with Kyle on the latter part of his statement. When Gulliver realized how flawed his way of life was, he seemingly wants no part in it. He goes into denial and separates himself from his identity. His thoughts, notions, and actions slowly begin to mirror a person whose reason is void. His refusal to except the flaws of his society as well as his own cause him to go crazy, he doesn’t know where to turn to. As Kyle stated, upon the leaving the land of the Houyhnhnms, Gulliver seems to have lost all of his reason, thus making him but another Yahoo.
I agree with BeckerDonna in the respect that Gulliver is not a yahoo but he sees himself as one. I also think she makes a great point about how it is our choice weather or not we become yahoos.
Yahoos are a representation of humans. And Gulliver is a human, therefore Gulliver is a Yahoo. However, I don't think he sees himself as one. Ironically, Gulliver seems to hate and despise the Yahoos, even though he is one against his will.
Gulliver is a Yahoo. The Yahoos I believe are humans; humans who are uncivilized, and under developed. I would not have come to that assumption without the help of Swift’s description of the Yahoos, and how the Houyhnhnms compared Gulliver with a Yahoo to find out they were similar in many ways. When Gulliver returns to England he classifies all humans to be Yahoos, and even though he might want to think he is not a Yahoo like his fellow citizens, he is.
ReplyDeleteI don't think that Gulliver is a Yahoo to begin with. From his first two journeys we can see that he seems to be normal and proud of his country and how civilized they are. However, he also points how the flaws and mistakes of humanity which makes him dissatisfied with the way human kind behaves. By becoming exposed to the Houyhnhnms, who to Gulliver, seems like the perfect cultural group, he then compares the Houyhnhnms's behavior to human kind's behavior and realized that human kind is vulgar and ugly, like the Yahoos. Gulliver only realize the flaws of human kind and not its different features from the Houyhnhnms which makes human kind complex but unique. By becoming exposed to perfection, Gulliver slowly began to realize the imperfections of human kind and associated himself as a Yahoo when in fact he is not one to begin with.
ReplyDeleteGulliver is indeed a Yahoo, but not from the start of the story. Throughout his journey, talking to the Lillliputians and the Brobdingnag people he expressed to full extents the love of his country. He only started to change slightly when the King of Brobdingnag started to down play what he was saying, saying they were little minded people. Gulliver doesn't change fully until he lands in Houyhnhnm Land where the horses fully characerize him as a Yahoo, comparing him to a more gentle one, but one none the less. Towards the end you the story you can really see in detail how he had changed. He didn't want to be around his own family, and got horses to be around. He became an ugly and unkind person, just as they described the Yahoos.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Hahn because like she stated he wasn't like that from the beginning but by being exposed to the Houyhnhnms he realized the flaw of his people. Also he realized how not far off he was the same as the people of his land. Who at first he was so proud to be a part of.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI do believe that Gulliver is a Yahoo. He does not start out as one in the beginning, but as time progressed and he traveled more, he became a Yahoo when his personality and way of thinking changed, especially after he was insulted in Brobdingnag. When he is in Houyhnhnm, the Yahoos are described as being very uncivilized, but having human-like features. While Gulliver does not exactly look like the Yahoos he encounters, his personality towards not only his country but also his own family definately does make him a Yahoo.
ReplyDeleteI agree with PrecVRob in her blog entry. When Gulliver talked to the people of Brobdingnag and the Lilliputians, he spoke to them about the country that he came from and spoke about it with a sense of pride. He spoke about things such as the laws and the government as if he was really proud to be a part of a country that is run that way. His entire attitude does change after he is severely insulted by the King of Brobdingnag. In the end, Gulliver does turn into an unkind person, just as PrecVRob stated.
ReplyDeleteGulliver is not a yahoo. I think Gulliver is a good mix of rational thinking and emotional thinking. Now if you look at people of today that's a different story.
ReplyDeleteI do not agree with KDPeters. I think that the Houyhnhnm are one side of humans and the Yahoos are the other side. Like we talked about in class, the Houyhnhnm are rational and the Yahoos are emotional. I think humans are in between being both rational, but emotional too.
ReplyDeleteGulliver is NOT a Yahoo, but he thinks he is. That's why he goes to the other extreme to be more like the Houyhnhnms and give up emotion (although he can't even do that properly because of his outbursts). Gulliver has the capacity to be a better person but because he goes to the extreme, he turns into a raving lunatic. I believe Swift's point is that we have the capacity to become better people, or we have the capacity to become Yahoos - it's up to us.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Precious and Mireya in that Gulliver didn't start out "Yahoo-like", but became more and more like one as he realized how uncivilized the people of England really are. Once he saw how others lived and how they thought of his homeland, he realized that they could be so much better if they were more rational, and less emotional.
ReplyDeleteI really can't make up my mind on whether or not he is a Yahoo. He may not be vile and a savage compared to the Yahoos in the country of the Houyhnms. Yet in England he may be called a Yahoo because he does act vile and distasteful compared to the Englishmen. He is obsessed with material objects like the horses, like the Yahoos were with "pretty stones." He is insane by the end of the story, therefore I guess he could be called a Yahoo.
ReplyDeleteI agree with PrecVRob. Gulliver’s strong opinion about his homeland gets weaker and weaker with every journey from land to land. The Lilliputians do things similar to the way the English do things. By the time Gulliver gets to the Houyhnhnms, he is seeing the worst of mankind traits.
ReplyDeleteI think that in the beginning, Gulliver was a Yahoo but as the journey progresses, he becomes less of a Yahoo and more of a Houyhnhnm. Yahoo, from what I understand, is a person that has no manners, no respect, or moral. In the beginning when Gulliver started his journey, he was all of these because he was being selfish and ungrateful. As he went to the different countries, he learned about their customs and realized that the way people were living in England was not the best or right. When he went to the land of Houyhnhnms, his perspective of England totally changed and he started living more like the horses. He began to hate the “normal” people (yahoo).
ReplyDeleteI agree with Lisa. Like we talked about in class, yahoos are the ones that base their actions and thinking on how they feel and their emotions. The Houyhnhms represent the way of life of the rational thinking people. Gulliver IS a pretty well mixture of both emotional and rational thinking but I have to say that to me, he seems more emotional base. In the end, based on his emotions from his journeys, he dislikes the people of England.
ReplyDeleteI believe that towards the end of Gulliver's Travels, Part 4, Gulliver has become an Yahoo. Gulliver was not a yahoo at the beginning of the story but because of how he changes throughout the story, he starts to obtain some of the Yahoo's characteristics but does not look like them. He starts to talk badly about his country and wants to avoid his family when he returns. He is negative towards mankind and looks more to animals rather than humans.
ReplyDeleteYes, Gulliver is a Yahoo, but not at first. As Gulliver travels to different places he froms into a Yahoo. In Lillliput he talked about his land in a positive manor, but when he arrived in Brobdingnag his culture was put down by the king of Brobdingnag and Gulliver started to agree with the king and his views. When Gulliver arrived in the Houyhnhnm land he changed, he despised where he was from and everyone that lived there, including his family. Gulliver was mean and thought humans were like disease. he only wanted to be around horses he even spoke to them. Gulliver may not have had the physical characteristics, but he had a mentality like the Yahoos. He became a Yahoo in the end.
ReplyDeleteA Yahoo is a term used to describe the vicious, human-like creatures in the land of the Houyhnhnms. In this land, Gulliver is constantly referred to as a Yahoo by the horse-like inhabitants, mostly due to the close resemblance he shares with the Yahoos. It is stated by Gulliver's master that the present Yahoos originated from humans that came from Gulliver's land in much the same way that Gulliver landed on their island. Therefore, Gulliver's master was insinuating that the Yahoos are, in fact, descendants from the land whence Gulliver arrived from. Furthermore, Gulliver's master describes Gulliver as a Yahoo with reason. Thus, Gulliver's master further assumes that the Yahoos are simply humans without reason, (perhaps that they at one time possessed). When first arriving on the island, Gulliver was very much unlike a Yahoo in that he possessed a great amount of reason to differentiate himself from the Yahoos. However, as he became exposed to the flaws of his species, the flaws of his country, the flaws of himself, he began to lose his reason. As his reason began to diminish, so too did his defining trait that set him apart from the Yahoos. Upon leaving the land of the Houyhnhnms, Gulliver seems to have lost all of his reason, thus making him but another Yahoo.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Mireya, Gulliver gradually turned into a yahoo. The opinion from the king of Brobdingnag really changed the way Gulliver thought of his country and its people. He became a Yahoo the more he traveled he changed because of the places he traveled to.
ReplyDeleteGulliver is a Yahoo. You know the descriptions they made about the Yahoos and such. Gulliver acted like a Yahoo and the horses even said he was like the God of Yahoos or something like that. Well anyway he was as big as a yahoo and he was respectecd as a yahoo. Even though Gulliver himself thought he was a horse thing.
ReplyDeleteKd peters has it right on with the Yahoos being human or "uncivilized" humans. Even though the Yahoos didn't eat the same stuff as Gulliver I truly believe that the Yahoos were human like.
ReplyDeleteUpon arriving on the land of the Houyhnhnms, we are met with a rather crude race. The Yahoos, as they are called by the inhabitants of Houyhnhnm, are vicious, savage and utterly disgusting. Because of the similar stature, Gulliver is immediately labeled as a Yahoo as the inhabitants have nothing else to reference him to. Even though Gulliver is labeled as a Yahoo, there is something that is different (even if it is for only a short time). What is astonishing to the inhabitants is the amount of reason possessed by Gulliver. While Gulliver does possess this distinguishing trait, I argue that they are one in the same. I say this simply because of his refusal to use reason. Let’s face it; Gulliver doesn’t know how to reason, he is constantly getting into trouble. This is further affirmed when he returns home. He’s completely clueless and void of reason.
ReplyDeleteYes, Gulliver is a yahoo. I think that Gulliver got a good look in the mirror when he encountered the yahoos. As much as he wouldn't want to admit, Gulliver is very much like the yahoos. Yahoos/humans are selfish and unreasonable. We move at a very fast pace, sometimes without thinking. Everyone would like to believe they are better than they really are. That is just what Gulliver is experiencing.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Wiley ( haha you are so funny Wiley). Gulliver wants to be like the horses but he isn't. I think he knows this and that is why he goes crazy.
ReplyDeleteI think Gulliver sees himself as a Yahoo. After spending time in the "perfect" society, he realizes just how messed up humankind is, and him being a part of that race he is therefore doomed to be a yahoo. He tries to escape the world by buying a few horses to 'talk' to but all he does is look crazy. However, I believe he could be better than a Yahoo because he has seen the problems from the outside, and therefore could make a conscious decision to live better and raise his kids to be better. But he doesn't. He resigns himself to his fate of being a Yahoo.
ReplyDeleteGulliver is not a yahoo, but he has the mindset that he is indeed one. By definition of our, a yahoo is "any of a race of brutish, degraded creatures subject to the Houyhnhnms and having the form and all the vices of man" or "a person who is variously thought of as being coarse, uneducated, unrefined, anti-intellectual, crudely materialistic, etc". Gulliver is not uneducated, materialistic, or unrefined but when he is compared to the different cultures he meets his self description of himself goes down. To the other cultures, yes, Gulliver is a yahoo but compared to Gulliver's ordinary culture, he is one of the same and definitely not a yahoo.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Grace in respect to Gulliver's view of himself as a yahoo after spending time with other cultures other than his own.
ReplyDeleteI agree with kyle. He at the end Gulliver did become a crazy person who can't reason is a yahoo. He tried to change once he had a viewpoint of the Yahoo's flaw to change but instead he just became more insane making him have more flaws just like the yahoos.
ReplyDeleteI disagree with KDPeters. In the beginning I find that Gulliver has a very adventurous and restless feelings since he always strive to go on more adventures. He is very curious and did not became a Yahoo just yet. He also became argumentative and pointed out the positive aspects of human kind when the rulers of Lilliput and Brobdingnag criticize and does not believe him when he said speak of his culture and his country to them. The presence of the Yahoos also changed the tone of the story dramatically in which it became more serious and deep, which I did not find in the first two parts that we read.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Stephanie Simpson and her definitions of a Yahoo. From the definitions she has presented, it states that a Yahoo possess "all the vices of man." This, of course, is not characteristic of Gulliver. when he first arrives at the land of the Houyhnhnms. As stated by the Houyhnhnms, Gulliver is a Yahoo with reason, which lies in contrast with Stephanie's second definition of a Yahoo, which states that Yahoos are "uneducated, unrefined, and anti-intellectual." However, as he is exposed more the Houyhnhnms "perfect" and peaceful culture, Gulliver begins to disassociate himself from his own culture because he has realized just how similar his race and the Yahoos really are. As a result of the disassociation, Gulliver has become unreasonable, and thus a Yahoo in the eyes of his culture.
ReplyDeleteI’ll have to agree with Kyle on the latter part of his statement. When Gulliver realized how flawed his way of life was, he seemingly wants no part in it. He goes into denial and separates himself from his identity. His thoughts, notions, and actions slowly begin to mirror a person whose reason is void. His refusal to except the flaws of his society as well as his own cause him to go crazy, he doesn’t know where to turn to. As Kyle stated, upon the leaving the land of the Houyhnhnms, Gulliver seems to have lost all of his reason, thus making him but another Yahoo.
ReplyDeleteI agree with BeckerDonna in the respect that Gulliver is not a yahoo but he sees himself as one. I also think she makes a great point about how it is our choice weather or not we become yahoos.
ReplyDeleteYahoos are a representation of humans. And Gulliver is a human, therefore Gulliver is a Yahoo. However, I don't think he sees himself as one. Ironically, Gulliver seems to hate and despise the Yahoos, even though he is one against his will.